
Better Business Brief

I'm the founder of Scale for Sale, a consulting practice that works with businesses who are building to sell. We help them scale their profit until they grow to their desired size. I am building Scale for Sale to sell it for millions and we are helping others do the same. Subscribe for weekly takeaways from this process.

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How's it Been?

The Journey So Far Hey entrepreneurs, Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from: running a business I’m building to sell for millions my consulting with business owners building to sell for millions tips and tricks you can use to do the same I started building this company more than a year ago now. I didn’t know what it was going to be or where it was headed. I just knew there were things I wanted to learn and people I wanted to help. It has since evolved into...

3 Quick Growth Strategies Hey entrepreneurs, Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from: running a business I’m building to sell for millions my consulting with business owners building to sell for millions tips and tricks you can use to do the same Having worked with a LOT of different types of businesses in a very short amount of time, I have come across 3 key types of major growth strategies that work for businesses that have scaled fast. So today, in less than 5...

Strategies for Scaling Service Hey aspiring business tycoons, Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from: running a business I’m building to sell for millions my consulting with business owners building to sell for millions tips and tricks you can use to do the same This one is for all the homies with service-based businesses or that work with people running service-based businesses: I’ve learned a whole lot about scale from growing and selling my business and now...

Why I Love Home Services Hey entrepreneurs, Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from: running a business I’m building to sell for millions my consulting with business owners building to sell for millions tips and tricks you can use to do the same I’ve been working with a few home services companies lately because I really believe in the space. Home services are things like carpet cleaning, plumbing, electrical contracting, HVAC, pest control, and as the name...

How to Get Equity in a Company Hey dealmakers, Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from: running a business I’m building to sell for millions my consulting with business owners building to sell for millions tips and tricks you can use to do the same I’ve been learning a lot lately because we changed up the format of my consulting business. While I do still do some retainer-based consulting, we are moving more towards a consulting in exchange for equity position....

5 Major Drivers of Value Hey value-builders, Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from: running a business I’m building to sell for millions my consulting with business owners building to sell for millions tips and tricks you can use to do the same I was asked recently what the top 5 ways to increase the value of a business are. This is important for 2 types of people: Someone who wants to sell their business one day for a great price Someone who wants to buy a...

How to Build a Dealmaking Network Hey dealmakers, Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from: running a business I’m building to sell for millions my consulting with business owners building to sell for millions tips and tricks you can use to do the same Over the last year, I’ve spent a lot of time and energy curating an intentional network around my consulting practice. This is because naturally, there will be things I’m not great at and also things I don’t know much...

A Tale of 2 Landscapers Hey friends, Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from: running a business I’m building to sell for millions my consulting with business owners building to sell for millions tips and tricks you can use to do the same I’ve given a few talks over the last year, and realized that there’s this little trick I use in my talks that people seem to really resonate with. I create this story of two entrepreneurs who set out on a similar path, go about it...

Lessons from a Screenless Weekend Hey friends, Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from: running a business I’m building to sell for millions my consulting with business owners building to sell for millions tips and tricks you can use to do the same It’s been a great reset week. I spent the weekend doing no screen time - a digital detox. I got a lot of reading done, and got a lot of great thinking done. Today, I figured I’d share some of what I’ve been learning and...

10 Commandments of a Deal Hey friend, Welcome to the Better Business Brief, where I share takeaways from: running a business I’m building to sell for millions my consulting with business owners building to sell for millions tips and tricks you can use to do the same I have been on a quest to buy an established, cash-flowing business. Along the way, I have learned many, many things. I’ve been talking to people who have bought many businesses, people who work in the space of helping others buy...